Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to receive a grant?
The TPS Regional program awards grants to non-federal organizations such as school districts, state boards of education, universities, foundations, libraries, cultural institutions, museums, and others. The Library of Congress makes these funds available through the regional directors to help grantees incorporate TPS materials and methods into existing programs for teachers.
Who is the target audience?
Organizations offering education or professional development programs to pre- and in-service teachers, librarians, media specialists, K-12 educators, and other community programs.
What amounts does the TPS Regional program grant?
The TPS Regional program makes grants of up to $25,000.
How long is the funding period?
A grant period's funding can be twelve, nine, or six-months, depending on the scope of the project.
How are grant funds dispersed?
Grant funds are dispersed on a reimbursement basis. Relevant purchases must first be financed by the awarded organization and later reimbursed by the Teaching with Primary Sources Midwest Region upon receipt submission and request.
What activities and expenses are allowable under a grant?
Grants can be used to cover the expenses associated with delivering TPS professional development. This can include payment to a faculty member for revising a course syllabus to include TPS content, offering stipends so that teachers can attend a TPS workshop, paying a lecturer to conduct an online course that uses materials and pedagogical approaches from the TPS program, etc. Regional directors can answer specific questions about allowable project expenses.
What matching funds are required?
The Library does not require a matching contribution in order to award grant funds. However, a matching contribution may make a proposal appear stronger to reviewers. This matching contribution can take the form of funds, labor, facilities, etc.
Is it possible to receive multiple TPS regional grants?
Requests for additional grants are considered on a case-by-case basis and awarded only when the project will support significantly greater impact.
Mini-grants are available to individuals who have a past or on-going regional grant with the TPSMR. However, national TPS grant recipients are ineligible for mini-grants during their period of performance.
What is the process for applying for grants?
First, fill out the online notice of intent form found on the site for your region. The director of your region will contact you to discuss your project idea. If the regional director determines that your project idea fits within the funding guidelines of the TPS Regional program, he or she will ask you to submit a proposal.
What is the application deadline?
Grants must begin on or before the dates outlined in the granting schedule as displayed on the grants page. Notices of intent are still collected, which will indicate your interest in future grant funding from the TPSMR when it becomes available.
What information do you require to make grant decisions?
We will ask for information about your organization and its activities, the TPS professional development that you intend to offer, the teachers whom you will target, a list of institutional partners and their role in the project, the expected outcomes, a timeline, and a budget narrative.
What criteria are used for granting decisions?
Regional directors evaluate proposals based on:
- Access: The proposed project reaches geographic areas and populations underserved by the TPS program.
- Quality: The proposed workshop or course will help learners achieve TPS program goals and objectives.
- Professional development program and partnerships: The proposing organization leverages partnerships to provide programs for its learners.
- Sustainability: The grantee’s use of TPS content will be integrated into their professional development programs for offered to all participants.
- Project plan: The plan thoroughly describes the intended project, its audience, and content, supported by a timeline of activities and an appropriate budget narrative.
How long do funding decisions take?
Regional directors make funding decisions within six weeks from the submission of a full application.
What reporting requirements exist once I receive a grant?
The TPS Regional program requires that grantees submit a brief quarterly report indicating any workshop or courses delivered. We also request a final narrative and expenditure reports at the end of the project.
How can I get more information?
Please contact the director for your region.