Teaching with Primary Sources Midwest Region
Helping educators enhance students’ critical thinking, analysis skills, and content knowledge using the Library of Congress' collections.
Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) is the premier educational program by the Library of Congress. The TPS Midwest Region at Illinois State University covers 17 states situated in the center of the United States, from Minnesota to Louisiana.
Apply for a grant
The Midwest Region offers grants up to $25,000 to projects that support the Library's mission and goals. Grants are awarded year-round and have no submission deadline.
Activities by state
Across its 17 states, the Midwest region has granted to over 150 unique partners! Read about their projects here.
Professional development
The Library and the Midwest Region offer frequent professional development opportunities to hone your skills with primary source education. See how you can get involved today!
Find resources related to Library of Congress collections, TPS Consortium Groups, or articles generated by the Midwest Region and its partners.
Fall 2024 Workshop: Fundamentals of Primary Source Instruction
Learn to utilize digital primary sources from the Library of Congress and create source collections that engage students in active learning! Join us for a blend of asynchronous assignments and virtual meetings.
Completion awards 25 hours towards reaccreditation. Course runs from September 23rd - November 6th.
iCivics Back to School Elementary Webinar
A free webinar provided by iCivics, this one-hour session will explore the new website design, a preview of yet-to-be-released resources, and an overview of Election HQ!
Date: August 22, 7:00pm ET | More Information & Registration| Contact: Sian Park
Digging in with TPS-MTSU: Rights and Responsibilities
Middle Tennessee State University is hosting a session connecting educators to primary sources from the library of congress. This is being done alongside their upcoming conference at the Memphis Museum of Science and History, titled Exploring the Past and Navigating the Present: New Directions in History Education!
September 12, 4:00 pm CT | Digital Session | Email Kira Duke to Apply
September 25-26 | Conference | Conference Information | Call for Proposals | Kira Duke -
In Pursuit of Equity - Access for All Learners
This no-cost summit is presented by the National Council for History Education and the National Council for the Social Studies, and will be held virtually between 11am - 4pm ET. Attendees may earn a free NCHE membership through interactive workshops focusing on student-centered approaches to learning.
Date: September 28 | Information | Registration | Contact: John Csepegi
Questions? Let us help!
Feel free to ask us questions regarding a potential granting project or opportunities to collaborate with the Midwest Region!