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Grant Format

Project Title

Include a descriptive title for your project.

I. Project Narrative

5-page maximum, at least an 11-point font.

A. Background

  • Organization name and location
  • Current professional development programs
  • Partners or collaborating organizations
    • What individuals or organizations will be working with you on this project?
    • What are their roles within this project?

B. Project Overview

  • Project audience

    Who is the target audience for this project? Please consider:
    • Location
    • Number of educators
    • Targeted subject(s) taught
    • Grade Levels
  • Project rationale:

    What proof is there that this target audience is in need of grant funding? Please provide a needs assessment, either gathered formally from your target audience or informally through research trends, to support the rationale for your granting project.
  • Project goals and objectives

    What are your projects goals and objectives? How does your project plan to reach them?. Exemplary projects align their projects with the TPS Goals and Objectives.
  • Project material

    What format will be used for training?
    What TPS materials will be incorporated, and in what way?
  • Project recuitment

    How will your target audience be effectively recruited to participate in this project?

C. Project Outcomes

  • Outcomes:

    What projects (e.g., lesson plans, learning activities, primary source sets, or journals) will participants complete?
  • Dissemination

    How will the gathered outcomes be shared and distributed to relevant audiences?
  • Sustainability

    How will your activities allow your project to continue to introduce learners to TPS related materials and methods beyond the funding cycle?
  • Evaluation

    How will the success of your project be determined?

D. Project Timeline

Please use the Project Timeline template to display a short description to the sequence of your activities, as well as the individual responsible in the execution of those activities.

II. Budget and Justification

3-page maximum. Please use the provided templates and formats in the creation of your financial documents. While proposals may still be accepted using alternative formatting, edits will be requested prior to the execution of the grant to align with the Teaching with Primary Sources Midwest Region format.

A. Budget

Please use the sample Budget format page.

B. Budget Justification

Indicate the costs associated with implementing your proposed project. Please use sample Budget Justification for formatting. Include source(s) of the required 20% match.

III. Appendices

A. Staff

The roles and background of staff who will work on your proposed project. Include a vita (2-page limit) for the project director that includes name, title, business address, telephone number, and email address. Include biographical paragraphs for other staff.

B. Authorized Financial Representative

Business address:
Telephone number:
Email address:

C. Supporting Documentation

Examples: letter(s) of support, workshop agendas, advertisements, participant application forms, etc. 

The submission form for a completed proposal will be distributed after a successful receipt of a Notice of Intent. All proposals are reviewed by an internal and external panel of reviewers according to the granting criteria provided on the Teaching with Primary Sources Midwest Region Grants Page.

You will receive a reply confirming delivery within a few business days. Decisions regarding proposals will be made and communicated within six weeks of the proposal's receipt date.