Access that the proposed project will offer to geographic areas and populations not currently served by TPS Consortium members.
- Acceptable: The project reaches a population not served by an existing Consortium member.
- Exemplary: The project has the potential to provide professional development to a critical mass of teachers or community members within a specified area. The proposed project reaches populations that have not been targeted in other subcontracts.
Scope of the proposed workshop or course and its likely success in helping individuals achieve TPS program goals and objectives.
- Acceptable: The proposed project delivers a portion of the TPS program objectives.
- Exemplary: The proposed project delivers all of the TPS program objectives.
Activities and partnerships
Professional development activities and partnerships of the proposing organization.
- Acceptable: The organization has an established PD or education program that will integrate TPS content.
- Exemplary: Collaboration with one or more organizations is evident and used to reach project goals and objectives. Partners may include school districts, colleges, universities, libraries, historical societies, or professional organizations. When possible, partnerships include high-level administrators from key agencies throughout the state.
Sustainability of a grantee’s use of TPS content within their professional development programs.
- Acceptable: The project aligns with existing organizational objectives and is integrated into ongoing professional development.
- Exemplary: The proposed project includes plans for the integration of TPS into current and future activities, such as curricula or other ongoing professional development opportunities.
Project plan
Project plan describes sound planning, recruitment, implementation, evaluation, and resource allocation.
- The project staff has the capacity to implement the proposed project successfully.
- The application includes a reasonable plan to recruit participants.
- The plan narrative includes a reasonable evaluation plan.
- The proposed project has a realistic budget and justification.
- Information provided by the organization regarding its partnerships and activities is supported by appropriate documentation, such as letters, reports, etc.